The Meaning of Land

The Meaning Of Land 

Indigenous people ,Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people around the world land is the source of all aspects of life for example, Spiritual, Cultural, Social & Political. Mother earth is a term used by Indigenous people meaning a close attachment to the land we live on.

Before Invasion the land provided Indigenous people with all the necessities of life, food, clothing and shelter. Our Spiritual connection was through the Dreaming, the land provided the religious basis of life and each area had their own Dreaming stories that linked to the past and the present future, providing constant traditions for each generation. The Dreaming also preserved the land and the food sources as it provided guides as to what could and couldn’t be done e.g. totems were issued to people in many nations, then they had a responsibility to protect that totem through rules.

Culturally the land and its dreaming stories provided a basis for Indigenous people so this could be put into practise such as sacred and non sacred sites, ceremonies, corroborees, art, dance and music.

Socially our land provided the basis for the Indigenous families and social organisations. Kinship systems revolved around both the individuals, and the groups relationship to the land and this determined behaviours and lifestyles.
Politically the land provided Aboriginal nations with the boundaries and the laws under which they lived.

Pick five words from the list and write the meanings:
Indigenous, Kinship,Dreaming, Invasion, Spiritual, Traditions, Totems, Sacred sites.
What term is used to express Indigenous peoples, close attachment to the land?
How did the Dreaming preserve the land?
why was dispossession from their land so devastating to Aboriginal people?
Write an acrostic poem for LOVEOFTHELAND?