Although Land Rights is a fairly recent issue for most Australians, for those Indigenous people of Australia, Land Rights has been an issue since 26th January 1788.
Land was taken very quickly from Aboriginal peolpe in Sydney, the British did nort recognise Aboriginal ownership of the land and therfore took what they wanted.Land was acquired by four phases in the Sydney BAsin as folows:
Phase 1: Sydney centre and Parramatta
Phase2: settlement around the Hawkesbury and Georges Rivers.
Phase 3:extension of the settlement acoss the Cumberland Plain, bordered by Windsor, Penrith, Parramatta ansd Appin.
Phase 4: further extension of the settlement to include Illawarra, Argyle, Westmore and the Hunter Valley.
Colbee and Nurragingy were two Aboriginal men who were attempting to work with Governor Macquarie and learn about Bristish culture and language.They had beed used by Macquarie to track down Aboriginal warriors who were fighting against the Colony. They were rewarded with land.
This was recorded in Governor Macquaries diary on 15th May 1816 and was officially registered on 31st August 1819 in Colbees name.The area was 80 acres and was later to be known as Balck Town(1816- 33).
In 1876 the Burragorang Aboriginal community was given a gift a farm from a Catholic priest, the land was formed and the community became self sufficient.
Queen Emma Timbery was given grant of reserve land along La Perouse beach in 1878. They were known by the British as the Botany Bay tribe.
In 1909 the government increased the power of the Aborigines Protection Board to take back the land, disperse families and take their children away.
Between 1911 and 1927 nearly half of the 27000 acres granted to Aboriginal families had been lost and was taken back and issued to struggling white farmers.
In 1924 The Australian Aboriginal Progressive Association was established and began to campaign strongly to get back lost reserve lands.
These early cases show that Aboriginal people never willingly handed over the land and they continually fought for it since invasion.
1.Put these words into sentences, Issue ,ownership,Indigenous, culture,phases.
2.On the map provided shade the areas where dispossion took place?
3. Complete a timeline.