The first Aboriginal Lnad Rights legislation was passed in 1976 and is called the Northern Territory Aboriginal Land Rights Act.This legislation came about a few key events that happened :
Gurindji Case
Yirrkala Gove case
1972 Tent Embassy
election of the Labor party to government in 1972
1974 woodward Royal Commission
The election campaign of the Labor Party strongly supported Land Rights and Self Determination for Aboriginal people.Prime minister Gough Whitlam was the first to set up a Department of Aboriginal Affairs, providing finance to achieve aims.
The Woodward Royal Commission was to present a report on the Land Rights and mining claims.
The Labor party lasted till 1975 in office but the Land Rights legislation was introduced.In Northern Territory, Aboriginal people can apply to have their traditional lands and make deals with mining companies through their local Land Councils.
Under the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act, the communities could claim Crown Land( land belonging to the government).
1: word study what are the meaning of: legislation, commission, determination,traditional, spiritual and campaign.
2:write a sentence for the above words.
2: research information on Land Councils, Aboriginal Land Right Acts and Self Determination.